In a world of thoughts and deeds, I find the couch the ideal venue of discovery!


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another nail in the coffin of Australian TV

The other night I was watching TV, which is a pretty rare thing for me these days, as I have deliberately reduced my viewing habits to a bare minimum over the past few years, mostly helped by the complete lack of anything interesting to watch and my ability to download the television programs I really want from the internet (shhh supposedly its naughty to do that).

I came across an absolute abortion of a television show called "Hole in the Wall" on Channel Nine. I think I managed to watch about thirty seconds before I had to change it and watch an advertisement for tampons on another channel.

This "show" (and I hesitate to even call it a television show) was allegedly a game show where the contestants (c-grade celebrities dressed in appalling silver jumpsuits) had to contort their bodies to fit through styro-foam walls with shapes cut out of them.

Pure drivel, worse than Big Brother. But what is more scary is that it rated its pants off according to the story in the Age.

Oh good grief people of Australia, please prove to me that you are not moronic enough to regularly watch this complete dross next week. Send Channel Nine a message that we possess intelligence and want quality television!

Then again, this is the viewing public who think Sam Newman is funny, so I'm not holding my breath.


Dave ~ said...

I read the same article. How can you not watch 'our' Jen.....with the sound turned down....and change the channel when she's not on. I saw an ad for the Hole show - there is absolutely NO way that show has legs. You watch it once, you've now officially watched it forever. Four weeks tops. This is another reason I don't watch TV......and illegally mean 'make backups' of quality shows. Mind you the ABC is doing well allowing viewing of a lot of their catalogue online. Gruen transfew, Hollowmen etc are some goooooood watchin, by gum.

Anonymous said...

Just don't knock the Big Red Balls on WipeOut.....brilliant. Ha