In a world of thoughts and deeds, I find the couch the ideal venue of discovery!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Here in the Australian State of Victoria where I live, there is currently a bit of a hullabaloo going on over a simple legislative change involving removing the "crime" of abortion from the Crimes Act. It is a simple change because abortion is not prosecuted any more, as most rational & logical people realise, it is a personal health matter & nothing to do with government or crime against society.

On the site, a reader by the name of "Lucy" posted the following opinion, which I think says it all quite succinctly.

"Any decision regarding a woman's body and/or her reproductive system should be made between her and her doctor and the two of them can work through their respective morals, beliefs and circumstances with the situation. None of us have the right to tell any other person what to do with their body. If you don't like the idea of abortion, don't have one. Let others make the decision for themselves."

Well said Lucy and let us hope the upper house members concur & pass the bill.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A blog for Deano

I wrote a whole blog for you Deano (offline) and now I went back and checked my diary entry for Rome, when I talked about losing my mobile 'phone and you left a comment "what about the 'phone".

So months later you've been chasing me up, and I realised that I had actually read that comment overseas and edited the entry to say what happened.

Re-read the Rome diary entry Deano!


In other news, I've finally put something else up on my YouTube channel

Not going to make any promises, but will try for semi-regular updates there, as I have a few things on my mind to do.

Did anyone else have fun remembering the introduction of Daylight Saving this weekend? Luckily Microsoft was on the ball, as both my Vista & XP computers were on the right time when I switched them on.

Waking up tomorrow for 5am (body thinking it is 4am) is going to hurt!