In a world of thoughts and deeds, I find the couch the ideal venue of discovery!


Saturday, February 05, 2022

Is writing a blog still a thing these days?



When I created this blog way back in around 2005/6? (Memory is a bit vague on the exact date), “The Virtual Couch” was a fairly unique term and “Blogger” wasn’t owned by Google. Nowadays, there’s a podcast, YouTube, and other sites that use the term “The Virtual Couch”, so I’m not so unique.

I had grand visions back in the day but as it turns out any entries here were sporadic and few and far between and basically, I forgot about this site until I was going through my bookmarks after importing into a new browser instance on a new PC.

At least I found my travel diary entries from 2008, which make fun reading again. So, what am I doing here again?

Well, I don’t really make resolutions for each new year, but like any writer knows sometimes the words ‘need’ to come out. After finding the blog again I sat down and wrote something (not this blog) and thought to myself, what if I set myself a bit of a challenge and try to ‘blog’ regularly this year and see what comes of it.

Like going to the gym and working out, writing improves when you are doing it, not thinking about doing it or just “writing” in your head and never committing words to paper or rather to electronic bits of information in the computer.

So here we are, or rather here I am, in front of the computer and bashing out my random stream of consciousness onto the screen and at some stage sending it to the ether of the ‘information superhighway’ (such a quaint term and never used since the late 90’s or 00’s).

Will I stayed inspired and find the dedication to punch out prose on a regular basis? Hopefully. The truth is that some writing is just for yourself, putting down tangible thoughts in a written form, with no real care whether someone else ever reads it or finds it interesting. Perhaps this blog is that for me, and if any other person stumbles upon it and reads it, then welcome to my perspective on life, the universe and everything from the comfort of my ‘virtual couch’ on this part of the internet.

I’ve reached the end of this thought train and much as I am reluctant to throw this up into the ‘world wide web’ (another quaint term which dates me as to how long I’ve been using the internet), there is no time like the present to start writing again, so dear reader (even if that reader is just me), I bid you farewell until the next time here on “The Virtual Couch”.

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