In a world of thoughts and deeds, I find the couch the ideal venue of discovery!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Photographs (at last?!)

I have been back in Australia for exactly two weeks now and if you asked me what I have been doing for the past fourteen days my answer would be something along the lines of:

"Errrr, sleep, play xbox360 games, sleep, eat, see family, see friends, sleep, play games"

So really nothing as scintillating or interesting as my recent travels. Ho-hum, am I suffering perchance from the post-holiday blues? No, but I can tell you I'm freezing my frickin' proverbials off in this colder weather!

Anyway, back to the subject at hand, which is the oft-requested photographs. I've inflicted a few lengthy viewing sessions on some friends and family. But realising that even I am getting sick of wading through 2200 or so photographs (even though they are neatly arranged in relevant day/place folders) I am currently whittling them down to a short selection from each place/day and uploading them to my FaceBook and MySpace profiles and also to a Flickr page (linked to the title of this blog or click HERE .

The Flickr set is a little abridged from even the FB or MS albums, simply because I don't like splashing friends faces around on the world wide web without their permission. FB and MS I can restrict to just friends so that is okay (in my logic).

In other news I'm currently in the hunt for a job, with some positive rumblings on one front at least. So I may yet be back writing my vlinewhinger blog in the very near future!

Hopefully by the end of next week I will have most of the photographs that I intend to display publicly uploaded.